Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The visual inspection of cell phone jammer should be implemented

The visual inspection of cell phone jammer should be implemented
Network as well as mobile launching system efficiency. According to the design of the GSM system, the transmit power of the mobile phone will automatically adjust according to the base station

commands, the phone is far away from the base station, or in a signal shadow zone, or the phone's transmitter antenna system efficiency is low, the phone will have to adjust the large transmission

power, then the mobile phone power consumption will increase exponentially. Dynamic usage of the phone: a phone to play and continuous call, will obviously be different. Phone functions, the more

the more power consumption: the same power to do one thing and used to do two things, time can be maintained naturally very different, the phone is only used to receive text messages and phone is

also used to play the game integrated stock market information, of course, is more multi-function more power, the standby time is naturally shorter the. And the

antenna is also installed inside the host of cell phone jammer .
Included in colleagues to the cashier must speak with the customer, pay the customer if a want to be fooled'll go back, you must speak with him to distract him, really did not say You can introduce

the scale of our company. Paid the money, remember to leave your phone number to the customer, and told him that the phone has any questions or do not understand you can always call to ask you, to

save his hard run, and tell him next time to buy a mobile phone come to you and call you. After the sale is completed, you can push accessories, first is our membership cards, membership cards,

mainly to say that the phone is one year warranty, one year after the phone is broken, you can free maintenance, free cleaning, free to download. The antenna is inside the host of advanced cell

phone jammer .
Third, mobile streaming media management platform, which involves four points: 1, content management. 2, the management of the business. 3, from time to time billing management. 4, copyright

protection, copyright protection is very important for mobile streaming. For our GGTV the development of this industry to do our bit modest. We are willing to provide free mobile TV video resources

and technical support for everyone with all of the wireless Internet stations and mobile phone client cooperation. If you have the intention to exchange can contact me, my QQ is 36559902.

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