Sunday, September 2, 2012

It is for commissioning cell phone jammers

 Before you buy should first understand what is the difference, as appropriate, trade-offs and then to be decided too late, or buy their own loss to regret too late. Accessories is a small, serious hardware specifications and software systems is a major event. To make it clear that section of the machine you want to buy by foreign firms to engage in discrimination, you install a hardware or version of what almost, function, or even simply less. This hard to grasp, but generally appear less able to do so is best to find out before buying. They can take the working instruction of cell phone jammers as the important basis and reference of their work.
I believe that everyone right now on what is parallel what is licensed, what what is wrong and what to pay attention to have a relatively clear impression. But I think everyone still need to look at parallel imports in the end is how come this problem, after all, involved in adulteration of parallel imports. Samsung machine is generally the border of the screen on the mainland market will not be printed on SAMSUNG Anycall's but India, If there SANSUNG to Jiucheng opportunity are parallel, but also likely to be adulterated parallel (Hong Kong or Taiwan Samsung machine and expensive smuggled profit is not high, and generally are smuggled to Europe). Specific of each model have different methods, I am not one mastiff above. The working instruction of cell phone jammers will also include the performance description, parameter demonstration and picture.The four pieces of antennae of  cell phone jammers are different in length
Some people worry that buy refurbished machines, how to verify the purchase of the phone is a refurbished machine? Brief introduction to the concept of parallel and mainstream mobile phones. So what is licensed? I we mentioned in the general "routine" just based on the defined. In China, licensed products through customs tax to get the permission of government documents, and protected by law, payment of mobile phone licenses by the government and related agencies, affix the label of the network license issued by the agents on the market to the official price to sell the phone only real significance is licensed. So what is the mobile phone licenses? Like cars, each car needs to have its own legal license, otherwise the black car. It is for commissioning  cell phone jammers .
This mobile phone licenses, what use is it, the first is that it represents licensed logo and the second is given a unique identity card to each licensed mobile, and the third is to control the phone number of entering the market and determine the price of the phone . Therefore do not comply with any one of the conditions are parallel. Divided into four major categories of parallel imports on the domestic market, smuggling machine, this is the best quality and most expensive in all the parallel phone; OEM machine, quality, followed by foreign producers or other types of technical strength of the enterprise in order to reap profits in China's underground factory OEM.

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