Thursday, October 25, 2012

It is to enhance the camouflage effect of cell phone jammer

It is to enhance the camouflage effect of cell phone jammer .
To profit by the advantage on the sales. In addition, traditional IT distributor also foray into the phone distribution market. Although IT distributor in mobile phone sales have not been able to dominate, but a strong channel coverage capabilities pose a threat to the traditional dealers. Within the next few years, the channels of the mobile phone may have the following trends: flat channel development trends. The transformation of a seller's market to a buyer's market so that customers have the autonomy, the customer's goal of becoming the value of corporate transactions, and thus the core of modern marketing by the demands of product features into the demands of customer value. This requires that manufacturers and consumers have more direct and faster communication. It is the mini GPS cell phone jammer with strong effect.
The decline in the function of other channel members product promotion and distribution of profit margins Narrow the higher demands of the manufacturers of the radiation force and control of channels, the channels can only become shorter and shorter. Channel flat as a sales model to simplify the sales process, shorten the sales costs, and enable enterprises to have greater profit margins. The flat is not simply reduce which the sales cycle, but to the original supply chain optimization, excluding value-added component in the supply chain to make the supply chain to value chain transformation. The channel flat in real terms is to cut a long and useless links. A kind of mini GPS cell phone jammer will be introduced in details.
Channel operational efficiency, and build a complete, organic, efficient network system so that thousands of users through the network with manufacturers, business information exchange and interaction between plants, suppliers, users. Phone from the mobile phone manufacturer to the final consumer, after passing through the channel level, some high-15% -20% of the profits extracted by the intermediate channel. Compression of the middle channel, natural means that manufacturers can get more profit. China's mobile phone market has been in the channel flat stage and is continuing. The sources of flat, has become fundamental to the success of mobile phone sales point in order to reduce distribution costs, control of the retail terminal. This GPS cell phone jammer is portable is size.
Therefore, the international brand mobile phone manufacturers take great efforts to implement regional agency, to reduce channel intermediate links, to reduce the cost of the channel in the middle. However, for the domestic mobile phone manufacturers, they have noted that the channel can not be unlimited flat, extremes meet, the channel is too flat and could lead to increase the cost of mobile phone manufacturers in the channel above, manufacturers need to consider the effectiveness and efficiency of the equilibrium point.

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