Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It is the area where high tech cell phone jammer will be manufacturedand assembled

In this context, the Construction of mobile video content has become the biggest problem, because it will directly affect the future prospects for the development of the user of the mobile video market in this field. Kuang Wenbo. "Introduction to mobile media." Renmin University of China Press, 2006 Zhuhai Song. "Mobile media". Guangdong Economic Press, 2008 author: Dong Xiaoxiao a total of 10 Zhejiang Institute of Media undergraduate thesis on the mobile phone video content built through investigation and inquiry information is not difficult to find, that affect the users to watch mobile video for the following reasons, the network speed of the mobile video, watch costs, accounted for the vast majority of the system's lack of mobile video content result in users do not find their want to watch the video. The implementation of production and assembly of high tech  cell phone jammer  influence a lot.
More suitable for longer rest time to watch, for example, evening, weekends, etc. The type of video a long time. Caters to a crowd of more free time, but for different mobile phone screen, not the same viewing comfort. Humorous clips. Such as family funny videos, comic sketch clips, these programs are usually short and exciting flashpoint. Moreover, the young users of mobile video, hi share these humorous short film, this is also the way many young people share their feelings, especially the group of office workers, there are many such cases. Individual works. Now more and more people use their DV recording life bit by bit, and mobile video on a for everyone to exchange electronic platform. The site management of high tech  cell phone jammer is one of the inspection items.
This touched the established service system. Only to establish a sound service system, timely, accurate and understand the needs of users, and to be able to build a full function mobile video system. Conclusion Through the writing of this thesis, I learned a lot of knowledge. The completion of the paper, my instructor and classmates gave me a lot of help, I very much thanks to them, which also felt a deep sense of friendship among students. Completion of the thesis was not always smooth, and books from the beginning to find information through various channels to collect information related to my thesis to the completion of the first draft, I spent nearly three months time to complete it, paid too much the hard work and sweat, but it is all worth it. Therefore, the site management of the area of high tech  cell phone jammer is very important.
Teacher in the thesis topic, topic-specific custom papers within the Wing, and the specific process of amending the given careful guidance in the paper the process of writing the first draft of Zhou Zhongcheng teacher gave me a lot of useful guidance and advice gave strong support in the process of amending this, the authors express my heartfelt thanks. His rigorous scholarship, the idea of the attitudes and systems of a lifetime. At the same time, his approachable, amiable style of life left a deep impression on me. In addition, I would like to thank my classmates have given me advice and help in the papers to complete the process classmate reading of the friendship will always remember in mind. In ensuring the quality and performance of high tech  phone jammer   .

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