Friday, August 31, 2012

cell phone jammer consists of the following parts

cell phone jammer  consists of the following parts.
However, the drawback of CMOS is too prone to noise, this is mainly because of the early design of the CMOS when dealing with rapidly changing images, due to current changes too often will produce overheating. CCD and CMOS respective advantages and disadvantages, from a technical perspective we can compare the two main difference between: information access in different ways. CCD sensor the charge stored in the information required under the control of the synchronization signal the implementation of the transfer of a one to read the charge transfer of information and reading the output need to have a clock control circuit and power to match the entire circuit is more complex. CMOS sensor to generate direct current (or voltage) signal after photoelectric conversion signal read is very simple. The input voltage of  cell phone jammer  is 110—240V.
Speed differences. CCD sensor needs under the control of the synchronization clock to the output of the behavioral unit of a one slow; CMOS sensors capture light signals at the same time you can remove the signal, but also deal with the image information of each unit, the speed much faster than CCD. Power supply and power consumption. CCD sensor CCD are mostly three sets of power supply and large power consumption; CMOS sensor only needs to use a power supply, power consumption is very small, only the CCD Charge Coupled Device 1/8 to 1/10, the CMOS photoelectric sensor energy efficiency has a great advantage. Image quality. CCD sensor production technology started earlier, the technology is relatively mature. There is a working indication light on the panel of  cell phone jammer .
The PN combined with silicon dioxide isolation layer isolating noise, the image quality is relatively CMOS sensor has certain advantages. The high integration of the CMOS sensor, photoelectric sensor and circuit are very close to the optical, electrical and magnetic interference between the more serious noise impact on image quality. In the same resolution, CMOS prices cheaper than CCD, but lower image quality compared to CCD CMOS devices. So far, the market, the vast majority of consumer level and high-end digital cameras use CCD sensors; CMOS sensor as a low-end products used in the camera head. Whether the CCD sensor and became one of the people to judge the standard of digital cameras grade. The red indication light of cell phone jammer  shows that cell phone jammer  works normally.
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface, Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a unified exchange agreement between an electronic musical instruments and electronic instruments and computer. Come out from the early 1980s has now become synonymous with computer music. MIDI files are not like WAV or MP3, as quantified record the sound of music every time change, it is just a description of the "musical language", as long as want to play music statements down on it, that record each sound sounds, musical alphabet, loudness, angle, time to check sound library, according to records should be sent sound simple to say that each track corresponds to a musical instrument, above a specific format to record the music played in every moment of the instrument .

It is unnecessary for the customer to select cell phone jammer

If the needed shielding range is very big, it can be realized by installing several  cell phone jammer .
For example, in a moment is defined as the piano track record of the above mentioned 1,3,5 consisting of chords, then the chip query the sound library to get the corresponding audio, and then synthesis, play. The space occupied by these information is very small, up to tens of K, is very suitable for such occasions with a small storage space for mobile phone (different formats polyphonic ringtones only increased a number of special effects or encrypted information, in essence, is actually a MIDI file). Phone record music with MIDI in the same or similar. Recorded in the whole tone, and complex chords sound record. That being the case, why our mobile phones is still so appealing? Since I can not press the piano, "135". cell phone jammer  runs stably in the practical use in central government agency secrecy units and state agency secrecy units.
Then three piano according to 1,3,5 not to be the fact the phone chord precisely this way to achieve this chord, although not as good as the real chords nice, but the release from the cell phone out of it almost like genuine a. This chords on an instrument n instrument mono process, known as the "chord decomposition. Just look at the MIDI editing software can be found, one which is often a lot of the same sound tracks, each track is mono. Ringtones can be broadly divided into monosyllabic ring tones, three chords, chords, 16 chords, 32 chords, 40 chords, 64 chord such as ringtones. Phone 16 polyphonic 32 polyphonic 40 chord "," 64 chord ". HTCX-100A is the small-type directional  cell phone jammer .
In fact, refers to the "polyphony". The precise definition should be 16 polyphonic ring tones, 32 polyphonic ringtones. The so-called "polyphony" refers to the number of MIDI music can be issued at the same time sound. Monophonic and polyphonic ring tones sound quite different; four polyphonic ringtones and 16 polyphonic sound too single book, the difference is relatively large, 40 polyphonic and 32 polyphonic ringtones difference is not big, and 64 polyphonic and 40 polyphonic difference is big. In short, three-chord, four chord is a grade; 16 chord is a grade; 32 polyphonic 40 chord is a grade; 64 chord is a grade. The mainstream polyphonic cell phone In addition to support the MIDI format, but also their respective support a variety of other audio formats such as WAV, MMF, MP3 and other. 2 outdoor warfield-type directional  cell phone jammer  should be adopted.
Have different characteristics and backgrounds of these audio formats: WAV: WAV (Waveform Audio), WAVE file extension resource format is Microsoft's audio information stored on the Windows platform. WAVE is one of the stored digitized voice data file format on the PC. Produced by the common CD player is digital sampling technology, just not documented. Therefore, WAV audio sound quality is comparable with CD quality. WAV format audio that comes with Windows Media Player to play it. means the specific installation position of  cell phone jammer .It is unnecessary for the customer to select cell phone jammer

This is the developer or developer team of Cell Phone Jammers

This is the developer or developer team of  Cell Phone Jammers .
Speaker sound chamber must be closed directly with the speaker and the shell between the speaker and the shell must be affixed to the annular foam closed, speaker side shell long ring circumference bone surrounded by unilateral clearance stay 0.1mm. If the speaker and the shell separated antenna bracket, between the speaker and the antenna bracket must be affixed to the ring foam closure, between the antenna bracket shell must also be affixed to the annular foam closed. In short, the sound of the speakers through the sound hole on the shell to spread out the front speakers sound chamber height should be greater than 1.5mm. speakers sound cavity height is the vertical distance refers to the front of the speaker to the housing wall, in order to ensure adequate speakers sound chamber height, and can even make the inside of the shell the sound chamber thick plastic to dig thin 0.6mm. It is the research and development ability of  Cell Phone Jammers .
The sound hole area must reach 15% of the speakers the sound, the sound hole area is the total area of the sound hole. Speaker the sound area is to remove the foam in the middle part of the area of the speaker positive, the height of the sound chamber of the speaker The higher the requirements the greater the proportion of the sound hole area accounted for speaker sound area, when the horn sound chamber height of more than 20, the sound hole area and speaker sound area that is 100% with most phones in terms of speaker sound chamber in the 1.5 ~ 4mm, and the sound hole area accounted for speaker sound area of 15% to 20%, better sound effects. out the structure of the sound hole is the most simple approach is to directly on the shell openings hole array, it can be a head of strip hole. Generally, good process generates the good product of  Cell Phone Jammers .
In order to prevent dust and foreign matter into the sound chamber, can be affixed inside the enclosure dust network, for the beautiful, the sound hole on the outside can be affixed to the nickel plate, PC tablets, and other decorative pieces, small mesh diameter of the nickel plate 0.3mm, nickel plate, inside the enclosure can not affixed to the dust network. speaker after tune the low frequency part of the main impact of ringtones, high frequency part is smaller, you can not do the requirements. In order to get good bass, no component interference on the motherboard, you can use the antenna bracket and motherboard with affixed foam speaker Tune closed after the formation of the sound chamber in order to get more awesome bass vibration effects, speakers, family speaker. The second way is the technology review of  Cell Phone Jammers .
According to the size of the sound vibration horn can produce different strength of the shock, vibration directly transmitted through the shell of the user's hands.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The company selects a local supplier of Cell Phone Jammers finally

The company selects a local supplier of Cell Phone Jammers finally.
End-user perceived service performance data will determine the merits of the device. Thus, in the 3G era, the focus is shifting test. Although the assessment of the minimum performance mobile and protocol conformance testing is always important, but more and more focus on the verification test will end support on applications and other advanced features. Run-time performance of some applications often directly affect the end user experience, so in order to achieve the success of new services and applications deployed before the deployment test tools to help manufacturers and operators to end applications in the laboratory to determine the existence of problem, the test environment must be in the mobile phone sales to end-users before it, including integration, design verification, interoperability and application service testing, including a comprehensive assessment. The local supplier of Cell Phone Jammers provides lots of Cell Phone Jammers of high quality.
Currently, the network can also be used to simulate the terminal conformance testing. Live network testing is mainly based on the current network of services to achieve the corresponding test in the existing network equipment, network configuration, and network support business functions in the conduct of the test; while the analog network is concerned, the current network does not support some of the performance test is to protect the future network equipment to upgrade or add new services or network structure evolution was able to ensure the terminal to work properly. It is more convenient for the company to choose the local supplier of Cell Phone Jammers .
Test for smart phones, set up a test environment often also requires a lot of peripheral equipment and funds. In the process of building a test environment, the need to consider specific testing process, early unit testing, integration testing, demand is relatively independent of knowledge of testing tools and test engineers require higher skills, such as test scripting, maintenance, and automated testing building. The latter part of system testing, acceptance testing process, the application of numerous and complicated business, the vast majority of cases, can make use of existing network services environment. However, taking into account the needs of different types of tests, test engineers still need to prepare a one-time investment in equipment, perform tests to ensure the effectiveness and adequacy. Module and the corresponding input of the test environment at least as shown in Table 5.1. The quotation price of Cell Phone Jammers of the local supplier is lower than that of others.Specific functions and typical business processes as follows: point to point business processes: this site MO and MT between the sending and receiving processes; different places and Ben Wang MO MT network flow between the transceiver; Benwang MO MT network between the transceiver and the remote process; point of SP business processes: this site end-user access to remote SP; remote end-user SP visits Ben Wang; notification alarm business processes: sub-terminal message storage space is available and whether the terminal and the two cases. SMS storage capacity is full or out of service on or off the user can not send and receive text messages process.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The material test of Cell Phone Jammers cannot be cancelled

 The material test of Cell Phone Jammers cannot be cancelled.
In the case shown, the signal after the mixer through C460 anyone to FL457, FL457 selected by the 400MHz IF signal, IF signal amplified by Q480 to IF ICU200 demodulation, Q480 bias voltage of C7 by the U200 sent by SW-VCC pin provides. It should be noted: in a conversion superheterodyne receiver circuit, there is an IF amplifier; in the second conversion superheterodyne receiver is usually the first and second intermediate frequency amplifier; in linear direct conversion receiver , there is no IF amplifier. In cell phone communications and cell phone circuit, commonly used demodulation techniques are phase-locked demodulator, quadrature frequency discriminator demodulator. Phase-locked loop (PLL) tracks the input signal can also be used for demodulation. Figure 4-12 is a block diagram of a phase-locked demodulator. Motorola 928 cell phone use is the phase-locked demodulator. Phase-locked demodulator reference signal comes from a 430MHz oscillator. The production task of Cell Phone Jammers of this month is very tense.
Phase detector input by phase comparison of the two signals, the output signal of a frequency modulated signal tracking, through a low pass filter to filter out high frequency noise obtained after demodulation output. Motorola, Nokia and Samsung cell phones are used in phase-locked demodulation circuit. Figure 4-13 for the orthogonal frequency discriminator block diagram. In orthogonal frequency discriminator, the phase shift network will transform the phase change of frequency changes, phase changes in the multiplier will be transformed into voltage changes. FM signal with the phase shift number multiplied by the multiplier low-pass filter output signal to filter out high frequency components, we obtain the demodulated signal. Typically, the circuit in the modern communications equipment, in addition to quadrature coil, the frequency discriminator of the other circuits are integrated on-chip. The workshop arranges three shifts to manufacture Cell Phone Jammers .
It must be noted is this: here said demodulation means to receive radio frequency circuit will contain information on RF or IF signal to restore a 67.707kHz baseband signal demodulation (for GSM cell phones). In logic there is an audio circuit GMSK demodulation, it is 67.707kHz signal to restore the digital signal. Receiver RF section of the demodulator circuit output is the baseband signal receiver, the signal of the center frequency of 67.707kHz. The director is in charge of manufacture supervision of Cell Phone Jammers .

Friday, August 24, 2012

The warehouse of Cell Phone Jammers has been put into service

The dispatcher has arranged the working table of manufacturing Cell Phone Jammers .
As the user capacity, a larger number of base stations, generally does not exist a wide range of signal blind area, the repeater is used to solve a small area of fill signal blind and building coverage. Fiber to the building is not yet universal in the case, requires the use of wireless repeaters. As the building increases, the number of repeaters required will also increase, there will be a base station to configure multiple repeater situation. However, the introduction of the repeater station is bound to interfere, the interference will increase with the increasing number of repeaters, especially the introduction of high-power repeater, system interference will significantly increase. Thus, in dense urban areas should be using low-power (1W or less) repeater. The dispatcher added 2 more workers to the night shift of Cell Phone Jammers .
User Part (UP): responsible for producing and receiving signaling information of different business users, some users can be divided into phone users (TUP), circuit switched data users (DUP), N-ISDN user (ISUP) and mobile phone users (MTUP ) and so on. No. Signaling System 7 4 hierarchy system with 7-layer OSI model, the corresponding relationship shown in Figure 3. The right half of the figure in 1980's No. 4 Structure Signaling System 7, its main function is to control the call connection establishment and release, it supports only the information related with the call connection; left part of the new structure introduced in 1988, nothing can be sent with the call connection information, to adapt to the development of communication networks. Level 1: MTP level 1 for the signaling data link level, the first layer of the OSI model physical layer. Signaling data link is 64 kbit / s bi-directional channel, the digital option to group-level semi-fixed terminal connected to the signal.
 Moreover, the support of the majority of smart phone operating systems are using Intel embedded processors, a relatively high frequency, in addition, the use of the smart phone operating system, other hardware configurations (such as memory, memory card capacity, etc.) are more used other operating system for smart phones to be much higher, so the relatively strong performance, it speeds up the operation. However, this series of cell phones also have some disadvantages, such as the high because of the configuration, multi-function resulting from power consumption, battery life is short, high-cost hardware shortcomings. Family of operating systems including Windows Mobile SmartPhone and Pocket PC Phone both platforms. Pocket PC phone is mainly used for PDA-type smart phone, SmartPhone is mainly single-handed smartphone operating system.  The new building of the warehouse of Cell Phone Jammers has been put into service.
PALM is 3Com's Palm Computing Division developed a 32-bit embedded operating system, originally a manufacturer of Pocket PC and Pocket PC operating system-based company, PALM PALM smartphone operating system used and used with the PALM PDA The operating system is very similar, therefore, based on the operating system for cell phones has more third-party software, has previously used the PALM handheld computer users to very quickly grasp the kind of smart phones. As the PALM has followed Less is More (less is more) this concept to design, so, with the launch of Microsoft's operating system to occupy a large amount of system resources and storage capacity is different is that it is itself a very small share of memory, based on PALM written application operating system share a small space, usually only a few dozen KB, so the operating system based on Pocket PC PALM Although only a few megabytes of memory but you can run many applications.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Technological innovation of the page turning Cell Phone Jammers

Technological innovation of the page turning Cell Phone Jammers
The coherent photons within the volume of degeneracy four kinds of meaning: the four-photon degeneracy of the meaning of the photon number, in the same relative number of photons inside. (2) spontaneous emission: emitted by the atomic spontaneous transition phenomenon of light. Spontaneous emission: spontaneous emission (3) stimulated absorption transition: in the low-energy state E1 of an atom at a frequency of ν role of the radiation field (excitation), the stimulated absorption transitions: stimulated absorption transition energy of photons absorbed to a certain energy state E2 transition process. (4) stimulated emission and stimulated emission transitions: stimulated absorption of the anti-transition process is stimulated emission transition. The latest Cell Phone Jammers can remote control the computer and write letters on the wall as well.Can be stimulated in the stimulated emission of radiation and transitions: stimulated emission and stimulated emission class E2 transition frequency v of the atoms in the radiation field, the transition to a low-energy state E1 and radiation photon energy hv. Stimulated radiative transition into light waves emitted by the stimulated emission. (5) inversion: in the non-thermal equilibrium, energy level is greater than the population on low-level set of populations, known as the population on the anti-inversion: the number of anti-particles around (inversion). (6) self-oscillation conditions: small signal gain coefficient g0 loss greater than or equal to include amplifiers and cavity loss in the self-excited oscillation conditions: self-oscillation conditions the average loss factor α (7) The main characteristics of the laser: spatial coherence and direction, temporal coherence and monochromaticity, high brightness (strong coherent laser main features: the main characteristics of laser light) 3.To choose a perfect Cell Phone Jammers people should firstly check out by its appearance. In order to make helium-neon laser coherence length of 1KM, it should be the number of monochromatic ? Solution: Let the coherence time τ, then the coherence length of the speed of light and the coherence time of the product, that if the laser and maser at 10? M, 500nm and output power of 1 watt continuous, asked on the second level from the laser level down is the number of particle transitions? solution: power is the energy output per unit time, so we set out in the time dt the energy dE, then power = dE / dt laser or maser output electromagnetic energy is the Planck constant and the product, that is: dE = nhν, dt where n is the number of photons within the output, which is equivalent to the cavity photon number of excited particles in high energy radiation in the time dt transitions to low-level number (frequency between energy levels ν). The above analysis can be the following form: To determine the molecular energy levels of the spontaneous emission lifetime E4 τs4. People should choose a Cell Phone Jammers by well knowing its practical functions.

Cell Phone Jammers has the after service of money-back guarantee

Cell Phone Jammers  has the after service of money-back guarantee.
Laser allows people to effectively use advanced methods and means unprecedented, unparalleled benefits and to get results, so as to promote the development of productivity. If microscopic particles such as atoms or molecules with high energy and low energy level E2 E1, E2 and E1 energy level populations on the number density of N2 and N1, in the two-level transition between the existence of spontaneous emission, stimulated emission and stimulated transitions absorption transition, three processes. Transitions generated by stimulated emission of light by stimulated emission, and the incident light has the same frequency, phase, propagation direction and polarization direction. Therefore, a large number of particles in the same excitation of coherent radiation field produced by the stimulated emission light is coherent. Stimulated emission transition probability and stimulated absorption transition probabilities are proportional to the incident monochromatic radiation field energy density. The money-back guarantee service of  Cell Phone Jammers  can ensure the profit of the customer to the largest extent.
When the two-level statistical weights are equal, the probability of the two processes are equal. In the case of thermal equilibrium N2 <N1, so spontaneous transitions dominate the absorption of light through the material is usually due to shock absorption and attenuation. Excitation energy can damage the outside thermal equilibrium leaving the N2> N1, this state is called population inversion. In this case, the stimulated emission transition dominant. Light through a period of length l in the inversion state of the laser working substance (active substance), the light intensity increases eGl times. G is proportional to the (N2-N1) of the coefficient, called the gain factor, and its size is also working with the nature of the material and the laser light frequency. Period of active material is a laser amplifier.  A large number of photons concentrated in a very small space within the injection, the natural high energy density.
Activation of the laser crystal used mainly for transition metal ions and trivalent ions of rare earth ions. Transition metal ions in the outer layer of the optical electrons are 3d electrons in the crystal around the optical electronics are vulnerable to the direct effect of crystal field, so different types of crystal structure, its spectral properties are very different.  Cell Phone Jammers  should be used in the places where there are no electromagnetic interference. Trivalent rare-earth ion 4f electrons by 5s and 5p outer electrons of the shielding effect, so it weakened crystal field, but the role of the crystal field perturbation have been forbidden 4f electronic transitions become possible to produce narrow-band absorption and fluorescence line.

Friday, August 17, 2012

This is to specify the quality control actions of Cell Phone Jammers

This is to specify the quality control actions of Cell Phone Jammers .
The activities you create using an Intent to start the activities of the call and the call number 555-1212. This demonstrates the benefits of the Intent. All in all, this application actually do for you a few things. That is to say, start with a phone number code activities, and just one phone call? In the next section, you will add a button to start Call_Action of Intent to add a text box to run the user to enter the phone number of their choice to the production application. This section shows you how to by modifying AndroidPhoneDialer to increase the number of features, making it more practical value. To ensure the high quality of  Cell Phone Jammers .
Different operating systems, which means almost everyone in any computer to develop Android applications. However, the examples in this book and computer screenshots feel from the Microsoft Windows version of Eclipse. Keep this in mind, if you use other computer operating systems. The interface may seem a slight different, but the overall functionality does not change. Eclipse in Linux there are a number of different points of the major operating, I will illustrate. I will cite on Linux Liezi. The main example is the Linux / Android command line environment (CLE). Before you download and install Eclipse, you must ensure that downloaded and installed the JavaRuntimeEnvironment (JRE) on your computer.  Cell Phone Jammers is in the charge of the quality control group.It means that Cell Phone Jammers is valid in jamming cell phone signals
This information will help you if you need your own place the Android the plugin. Eclipse download the Android plugin. The time of this writing, the plugin version characteristics to verify the final installation of the plugin page, click Install to complete the installation of Android plugin. After the installation is complete is the need to configure the plugin. Android plugin installed, Eclipse should prompt you to restart the application. If it does not prompt you to now restart Eclipse. Restart to ensure that the installation of the plugin have the opportunity to be initialized. It is very important to install the following to configure. The quality control of  Cell Phone Jammers  is under implementation.
Many high-end mobile phones now contain a touch screen, a second input option is to simulate the touch screen. Use your mouse as a stylus. Object on the simulator screen corresponding to the mouse action. When you use the command line editor and a tool will become very useful, it is the Android Debug Bridge, or adb.exe. This tool allows you to issue commands to the simulator tool. When you work in a command line environment, the adb tool allows you to do the following. MKSDCARD.exe is a very useful tool, when you test an application. It is through the whole life cycle of the product of  Cell Phone Jammers .

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Many customers speak highly of this kind of cell phone jammer

Many customers speak highly of this kind of cell phone jammer .
"At present, although the mobile payment pilot project carried out smoothly, but in the practical application of mobile payment is still many problems." China UnionPay product innovation, product, manager and co-director of completed space that, first of all, from a technical and safety point of view, Both operators or banks, cell phone companies or third-party payment platform, the current mobile payment function is still not enough to bring the development of a leap for the industry. "Especially in the payment function on cell phones, need e-commerce market segments, as well as the breadth of application, convenience, and so continue to strengthen cooperation, and the current fragmented approach within the industry chain is clearly contrary to this demand." Followed by In the business model, although it is imperative that mobile payment is considered payment of the revolution, but how to develop consumer payment habits, a reasonable business model is an urgent problem; combined with the current domestic industry because of the demands of the different mobile payment led to emergence of a variety of technology solutions industry and business model development of parallel state, which will definitely lead to waste of resources, can easily lead to vicious competition. The painting canvas size of cell phone jammer can be customized.
For example, according to the different carriers, the more common mobile payment solutions there are four, namely, NFC, RF-SIM, SIMPass and smart SD card, at present, China Mobile selected the RF-SIM technology, China Telecom and China Unicom selected SIMPass Technology, China UnionPay chose the smart SD card solution. In the technical standards, the parties choose vary, at present, China Cell phone payment technology solutions using the 2.4G standard, China UnionPay 13.56M Hz using NFC technology, the two camps of two different standards, so a lot of chips vendors and technical support vendor at a loss. In a difficult selection process, many manufacturers are providing solutions to promote their own to support two different standards. But the lack of industry standards, it is causing a waste of technology.  cell phone jammer can intercept the signal from the satellite because of the new technology.
For example, China Mobile selected based on 2.4GHz RF-SIM mobile payment standard, and currently the most popular mode of POS machine is not compatible 13.56M To this end, China Mobile launched dual-band 2.4G/13.56M POS terminals, but because of cost higher, is also only on a small scale pilot projects. "In fact, the user only in the layout of the shopping malls of China Mobile POS machine to use mobile payment, if other carriers want users to use mobile payments at this mall, you can only look forward to their respective operators are also laying the corresponding POS machines of this the terminal. this way will result in waste of resources, convenient for users, the operators are input costs too much. "a mobile payment business solutions provider, said. The transmitting power of cell phone jammer is 10dBm.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The record inquiry function of cell phone jammer

The record inquiry function of  cell phone jammer
1, shielding GSM / CDMA / DCS / PHS four bands
2, the use of brushed aluminum casing, panel, or screen printing according to customer needs OEM logo
3, the transmission power 2W, 0.5W each antenna
4, the effective shielding adjustable from 1-25 meters
5, no harm to human
Application areas
1, entrance, adult college entrance examination, self-examination and various universities
2, party and government organs, enterprises kinds and sizes meeting rooms, concert halls, theaters
3, detention centers, labor camp, prison sizes
4, gas stations, oil depots, oil, filling stations and other flammable places
Installation Instructions
The record inquiry function of  cell phone jammer . This product can be screw fixed directly on the wall or ceiling, the product surface temperature can reach 50 ℃, so please stay away from low-heat objects.
Installation height: 1.0-2.0 m best
Installation direction: Do not phone signal jammers at the mobile phone base station antenna direction, otherwise it will affect the results.
1), the antenna connection
Wrong to adopt anti-antenna design, only be inserted correctly installed.
Note: If you do not turn the power switch on the antenna may damage the unit.
2), power connector
Check the main power switch, make sure the power switch is off, plug the power adapter plugged into the left side of the middle of the output power
Socket, power transformer plug with AC220V power input connection.
Product Name: With the guarantee of security, the  cell phone jammer  could be kept in the examination room.MCD-W433G-type mobile phone signal jammers radius of 1-20 meters (50-200 m)
Product Description:
  MCD-W433G mobile phone jammer (also known as cell phone jammer / off device / suppressor / cut / isolators / meeting information security machine). Using a special high-tech tools and technical means, can be used within a specified range of types of mobile phone function failure. Automatically form a protective shield electromagnetic network, so mobile phones can not establish contact with the base stations, base station receives the data, and thus play a communication signal shielding function. When the shield is in working condition, make the specified range of mobile phone messaging capabilities and telephone communication failure, unable to inbound and outbound, to achieve the mandatory house arrest and has played the role of security. On the premise of security, people could centralized control the  cell phone jammer . This product is designed specifically for the exam venue, to adapt to today's popular trend in 3G, 3G mobile phone with a separate shield design with simple operation, easy installation, shielding effect is good. It near the radius of the vehicle range of 1-20 m (50-200 m) within the cut off GSM/DCS/CDMA/PHS/3G phone signal, the phone can not play and listen, but does not interfere with other electronic equipment, phone cut off to leave the range, you can resume normal use.

The testing center of Cell Phone Jammers has the advanced instrument

The testing center of Cell Phone Jammers has the advanced instrument
The large investment in development of Cell Phone Jammers will improve the technology of Cell Phone Jammers greatly. China's first ruby laser in the CAS Changchun Institute of Optics was born in 1961, when only six months later than the United States, since, in the application of lasers and laser technology has made many achievements. Since the "Plan" program has been by the National Science and Technology (formerly the State Planning Commission) as a national key scientific research programs (65, seventy-five, T, 1995 are included in the special research programs), laser processing technology and application is one of the key and made a number of levels of research and practical application, the relevant state ministries and commissions also received attention. In the mid-1990s by the State Planning Commission set up a laser processing engineering center, the specific task is to research results into products in the pilot; solid formed by the National Science and Technology Research Center of Laser Engineering, which focuses on promoting the processing of solid-state laser applications.
There was axial flow carbon dioxide laser assembly 1.5KW capacity of about 20 joint-venture factory one, this laser is mainly used for laser cutting. These two lasers to the end of 1999 about production, sales of nearly 600. In addition, the laser is mainly used in the electronics industry YAG laser processing (including continuous, quasi-continuous, pulsed lasers), to the end of 1999, total production and sales of 800-1000 units, of which the 50W, 100W, 200W-based; YAG laser has been formed production capacity of factories and research all eight. Above illustrates the country's domestic enterprises to absorb and use of various types of lasers around 1500. In addition, medium and low-power excimer laser product prototype has been successfully developed, 400W excimer laser has been through the identification, research institutes are using thin films prepared by excimer lasers, lithography, cleaning and other work. Research and development of the industrial units in the RF-excited axial flow carbon dioxide laser, the cooling slab diffusion of carbon dioxide laser, high-power YAG laser, diode-pumped YAG lasers have made encouraging progress.  Huainan a factory using the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei-ray machine used in Huazhong University of 5KW laser carbon dioxide lasers ultrafine nano-silica production line. Crystal oscillator of the electronics industry, integrated circuit chip companies in China Daheng YAG laser marking machine in the production line marking. Xi'an engine parts plant using Huazhong University of Science and completed the relevant units of the laser processing engine, gasoline engine cylinder production line. Xianyang picture tube factory production lines have been used Huazhong University of Science, Wuhan Chu Tianguang Power Group YAG laser produced electron beam welding production equipment; some cell phone battery manufacturing plant also uses a laser company in Wuhan Chutian, electronic eleven of the YAG laser production equipment. The technical report of Cell Phone Jammers should be delivered together with the products.

Monday, August 13, 2012

The antenna of cell phone jammer can be the omnidirectional whip one

 The antenna of cell phone jammer can be the omnidirectional whip one. Theatre of the installation should be noted that the general shielding devices installed in the 1.8-3.0 m height, in the conditions permit, as far as the construction of the theater interior noise in the pre-installed points of cotton or decorative plate left active port for easy future installation of mobile phone jammers and maintenance. Left at each forecast point 220V power supply. 2.4.2 Should the shielding device with directional antenna shielded area for theater or venue strict distinction needs to be done (such as retention signals the podium, the audience all the shield), but can not for the external impact of the request, it would take all the shielding the antenna of mobile phone switched into directional antenna, but also the selection of possible transmission power of each channel can be smoothly adjusted jammers.Different cell phone jammer has different technical parameter. 2.2.4 Hybrid ground with a single point ground and the characteristics of multi-point grounding, the device low-frequency part of the nearby single-point grounding, high-frequency part of the multi-point grounding. Measures to reduce ground disturbance 2.3 2.3.1 transformer coupling transformer can transmit communication signals can not transmit DC signals. Therefore, the low-frequency interference on the ground with a good rejection and transmission of signals between the circuit elements only in the current flowing through the transformer winding, no flow through the ground, but also to avoid interference to other circuits, as shown in Figure 4 . 2.3.2 to use with coaxial cable coaxial cable signal transmission signal can effectively inhibit the ground loop interference. 2.3.3 optocoupler optocoupler circuit between the two ground-loop completely cut off, to more effectively inhibit the ground disturbance. The company has begun developing other type of cell phone jammer. 3 is shielded shielded electronic systems and electronic equipment to improve the electromagnetic compatibility of the important measures that can effectively inhibit the spread of various disturbances through space, can prevent or reduce the electromagnetic radiation of electronic devices can be internal and external transport, but also prevent or reduce the external electromagnetic radiation can affect electronic equipment. Shielded by the mechanism can be divided into: field shielding, magnetic shielding and electromagnetic shielding.The preheat time is needed for cell phone jammer using
3.1 field shielding electronic equipment involved in the electric field is generally alternating electric field, so that the potential can be different between the two units as the electric field induced coupling between the distributed capacitance, shown in Figure 5. Figure A potential source of interference for the UA, by the sense of material B, the induced voltage to UB. UB = C1 / (C1 + C2) UA where: C1 - A, B between the distributed capacitance (pF / m) C2 - a sense of things by the distribution of B-to-ground capacitance (pF / m) known by the above equation for the reduced small electric field sensor, may take the following measures: - increase the interference source A and B by a sense of distance between objects in order to reduce the distributed capacitance C1; - B will be subject to a sense of things as close to the ground (ie, floor, ground) installation, in order to increase CA; - inserted between the A and B metal shield, is to reduce the C1.The company has manufactured a series of cell phone jammer.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

An ultraviolet cell phone jammer with high single-photon energy

Provided the wavelength of laser is different, the color of cell phone jammer also varies.
 taper machining, automatic wire electrode offset and processing to end the automatic shutdown function, according to the processing before the program execution to the feature set. Control of the machine coordinate transformation, graphics scaling, tooth fillings and taper processing power failure protection. If the initialized state of the next processing of the above features with the previous time the same, simply press the RESET sequence GOOD button, or the need to re-set. (1) graphics scaling set operation ① Press the RESET key, -; ② Press 2, 0, 0, 1, the DISPLAY key; Common color of cell phone jammer are red, green, purple, and green and so on.That is, green cell phone jammer can easily burn a red match. For processing graphics sharp corners, take R = 0.1 mm transition arc programming. Positive compensation, the radius increases and decreases for negative compensation. D or DD - as a form of curve, determine the compensation direction. D is a convex arc; DD as a concave arc. Example 6.3 using 4B code preparation processing shown in Figure 6.15 as shown in the punch-like parts of the line cutting program. Known wire cutting processing of the electrode wire diameter is 0.14 mm, unilateral discharge gap is 0.01 mm, Figure O points for wearing a wire hole machining direction along the O-A-B-C-D-...-J-A- O.
  An ultraviolet cell phone jammer with high single-photon energy can cause ionization to take place in targets. no decimal point can enter up to 8 numeric; ± 53, the J ± 53 for circular interpolation, center coordinates of the starting point for the origin of value instruction (I, J, coordinates); F22 to set the line cutting speed (mm / min) before the decimal point can have up to two decimal places up to 2; D2 is the radius of the electrode wire compensate for the address number, 2 digits by D00 ~ D15,; T ± 13 taper machining instructions of the tilt angles of the electrode wire, 4-digit, a decimal point after the decimal point 3, in degrees;
DK7725d line laser pointer bed up to Enter the 2860 segment of the program. A. Keyboard input the program will write a good program single-sequence input via the keyboard piecewise, as follows: (1) In GOOD condition, press the EDIT key to display P;  The colors of cell phone jammer include red, green and purple and so on.  (2) Enter the 4 program serial number, displayed as P × × × ×; (3) enter the first paragraph of "3B" format program content; (4) Press EOB keys to continue to enter under a program (the segment number is automatically 1), until all the procedures losers;
 a scaling number keys x, 0, GOOD key, where x refers to 0, 1 or 2, a key number "0" did not scale, "1" graphic narrow doubled, "2" means double the graphics to enlarge, if it is the number of error symbols according to the GOOD button. (2) automatic offset of the electrode wire according to the need to set the corresponding offset of the electrode wire, cutting grooves offset JB = d / 2 + δ electrode wire straight through, (d δ is set before each cutting unilateral discharge gap of about 0.01mm), the cutting punch JB = d / 2 + δ-? (? with unilateral clearance for the punch and die).  For flip cell phone jammer, the color adopted is usually red or green.

Friday, August 10, 2012

It contains providing the continuous material of cell phone jammers

It contains providing the continuous material of  cell phone jammers .
Control system design software design method based on laser detection Smart car every day evolution, as has been the method of testing and refinement, good design should have the following four characteristics, and consistent between all of these features. Expression of the field of information into the software design of the mechanism of expression. Represents a symbol of the functional components and their interfaces. Stepwise refined and split the test. Quality assessment guidelines. Therefore, software development, regardless of what kind of design method designer must be able to skillfully use the basic principles of a set of data, algorithms, and program design [12]. The choice of programming language 6.2.1 compact. The supply of  cell phone jammers  should be ensured.
The flexible C language is only a total of 32 keywords, nine kinds of control statements, procedures written in the form of freedom, is case-sensitive. Combine the basic structure of the high-level language and the statements and the practicality of the low-level language. C language like assembly language, bits, bytes and addresses to operate, and these three are the computer the most basic unit of work. Operator rich C language operator contains a very broad range, a total of 34 kinds of operators. C language braces, assignment, and cast and so deal with as operator. So that the operation type of the C language is extremely rich, diversification of expression types, using a variety of operator can be difficult to achieve in other high-level language computing. The after service of  cell phone jammers  is the key point.More actions of cell phone jammers  have been taken in the workshop
Rich C language data types, data types: integer, real, character, array type, pointer type, structure type, union type, etc.. Can be used to achieve a variety of complex data structures of computing. And introduces the concept of pointers to make the program more efficient. Addition, the C language has a powerful graphics capabilities, support for multiple monitors and drives, and calculation functions, powerful logical judgment. C is a structured language structured language distinguishing feature is the separation of code and data, that is, the various parts of the program in addition to the necessary exchange of information independent of each other. Clear, structured way to enable the program level and ease of use, maintenance, and debugging. To ensure that the production of  cell phone jammers  first of all.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The green cell phone jammersis well received in the current market

Because cell phone jammersmight be turned on accidentally
Determined in the factory engineers to check some data loss due to power outages caused by the imaging system of the optical system and laser head. After adjustment to re-enter the raw data, the camera back to normal. By more than two years. CR system and the camera should be noted that in the course of the following: pay attention to maintaining a good working environment of the CR studio. Prevent dust and maintain appropriate and constant temperature, humidity. Due to high temperature, low; humidity and large and small will affect the normal operation of equipment. Avoid sudden power outage. Qualified hospitals should be equipped with an uninterruptible power supply to prevent software failure due to a sudden power outage caused by equipment. Must, in accordance with normal procedures switching machine, otherwise it will cause an artificial device failure. The teacher, lecturer, presenter and business personnel would like to choose cell phone jammersfor the laser indication.
And then measuring the sensor transmitter (BH8-1271-02) CE voltage for 0.9V normal attention to measurement should be carried out in low light, because this group of sensors, photodiodes, if the light is too strong will cause measurement is not accurate. Open the rear cover of the machine in the drive plate (BH8-1275-06) found on potentiometer VRl4, counterclockwise to minimum, and with a multimeter to monitor the AK voltage across the voltage of 4.2V (exception), normal 2V or so. Two consecutive compressions Access witch key machine display still shows error code 10. Shut down, find another set of sensors P512, this sensor group is exactly the same P513, swap the two connectors to each other to power the machine self-test.The relay model: CX240D5, Mexico, CRYDOM company products.  Can continue to use, pending the arrival of the new accessories timely replacement KODAK DRYVIEW 8100 failure to repair one cases of failure phenomenon KODAK DRYVIEW 8100 print and slice one dry-type semiconductor laser camera, machine failure rate, to facilitate the work. A few days ago, suddenly self-test program into the warm up appears P551 error code.
The same time, you can adjust contrast, the density of the image. Controlled by a computer image control system is the core of the laser camera. Camera image signal is passed to a laser camera to go through a series of processing an amendment to adjust the image size, size, and layout. The laser head based on the strength of the different layout after the image signal output of the laser, thus completing the film scanning process. The processing capability of the laser camera determines the camera's image quality, adaptability and range of applications. Grasping piece institution control system: responsible will need to scan film grabbed anyone to the laser scanning area. The laser print control system: the wet laser printer control systems Part 2 by laser scanning and film transfer. The green cell phone jammersis well received in the current market.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

There is built-in emitter in a cell phone jammer

There is built-in emitter in a  cell phone jammer.
The ergonomic design of portable  cell phone jammer make it suitable for long time use.    exporters of the unit is not involved in retail, because the exporters according to the needs of foreign manufacturers to custom-made, then a new oem a brand Qiangmiao the The first new products in a period of time (usually 3-5 years) that he could not in the domestic retail, or tort, exporters will not Tanxiaoshida. In addition an annual sales reached hundreds of millions of exporters nor the mood and retail deal, this is a pass management. : Optical laser pointer models what is the meaning?
   No damage of the RF radio technology of portable  cell phone jammer will be done to human body.  the easiest way is to look at the trademark and the agent label, the general formal it must be issued by the manufacturer or agency on behalf of its corporate logo trademark label, as well as proxy label two kinds, trademark tag Needless to say. agent label is because the business sector provides: sales of goods to the goods, the identity of the seller , business name! posted in a prominent position. not so hard to say is necessarily authentic products in general, may have two kinds: one is completely counterfeit products to imitate an appearance.
more excellent lens clarity the more high, especially the ability to distinguish long-distance or the dim light of the circumstances of different quality laser pointer "How do you measure the quality of laser pointer?  The quality of instruction is greatly bettered by portable  cell phone jammer.   A: optical laser pointer in addition to the resolving power of the lens, the color reproduction of the forces of good or bad difference, quality difference is also reflected in the appearance of process; often more good Qiangmiao also attaches great importance to the appearance of process, the use of frosted and other process , especially the 3-9 red lighting series,
 both at different distances clearly observed the details of the target. "10 Optical laser pointer in the user's head up and down around a little shaking when differentiation between the object and mobile? How do you overcome them? A: due to assembly errors in the actual production, differentiation board and the image plane can not be completely coincide, resulting in inspections, and inspections allowed. The general provisions of this inspection there are 1 - 2 angle within. The best way to overcome this problem is to learn the proper use of weapon sight;   portable  cell phone jammer can enhance the efficiency of education. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Charge for the rechargeable type battery of cell phone jammer is more expensive

The cost of the battery and charge for the rechargeable type battery of cell phone jammer is more expensive.
In short, the progress of those experimental results, in other words, to point out here that the assessment of the mechanical and metallurgical properties of welded structures studied welding conditions and chemical composition of tailor-welded weld toughness. Figure 5 - (a) through the thickness of the transition temperature of the weld welding model to determine the ductile-brittle transition behavior; (Fe306) in the given welding conditions. (B) The ductile-brittle transition behavior of welded joints by welding model identified; (IF-Ti, t = 0.8mm) in the case of welding conditions given sample structure (base metal, heat affected zone and weld) ductile-brittle transition temperature. By the welding of ductile-brittle transition behavior model to determine the weld; HR, Q = 5.5kW), welding speed and the influence of thickness on the ductile-brittle transition temperature. Because the battery of cell phone jammer is recyclable to avoid the battery waste and environment pollution.
Figure 6 (a) Fe360 steel and low temperature experiments the surface of the organizational structure currently displayed in the gap section of the fracture morphology. The tissue surface distribution of the uniform size of the ferrite. Fracture the specimen smooth, fracture mode was ductile fracture at high temperatures. This is a typical result, shown in Figure 6 (b) in the IF-Ti steel test sample performance of intergranular fracture, some specimens in the cleavage plane was broken, on the parent material can also see two times branched intergranular fracture. The surface of the organizational structure on the left after impact fracture experiments. (B) IF-Ti steel microstructure, surface organizational structure on the left after impact fracture experiments. (C) (d) (e). And at the same time, these kinds of batteries of cell phone jammer are not very easy or convenient for the customer to get.
The test results show that the practical way (new ductile-brittle transition temperature) are conducive to the assessment of tailor welded blanks in the ability to resist fracture under dynamic load. Mechanical and metallurgical properties of the test here, to facilitate the assessment of welding conditions or the chemical composition of the laser welded joint toughness behavior. Evaluation of microscopic defects in manufacturing, especially when the product is the base metal, heat affected zone, weld needs to be given to the welding conditions and material properties, this is a very practical tool. This model is useful to distinguish between selection of steel producers; welding designer to select the welding conditions for the safe design and improve the reliability of welding is a simple but very effective method of operation. The battery of cell phone jammer can be used to charge both 16340 battery and 18650 battery at the same time.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

What's the difference with ordinary light

The new type of  cell phone jammer  is made of aerometal, which is firm and durable.Thermal cracks. Hardness / HV HV distance from surface / mm layer of carbon + alloy eutectic alloy layer ledeburite for the carbide eutectic ledeburite ledeburite distributed a large number of dispersed carbide particles and the substrate alloy heat-affected zone District 4 laser cladding 4 laser cladding in a different way of packing surface to be coated in advance to put the selection of coating material, by laser irradiation of different ways of packing surface to be coated in the coating pre-placement options materials, and thin while the substrate surface melting and rapid solidification to form a very low dilution, and thin while the substrate surface melting and rapid solidification to form a very low dilution, and the substrate material to form a metallurgical bond of the surface coating to significantly improve the surface of the matrix material wear and corrosion, heat, metallurgical bonding of the coating, thus significantly improving the surface of the matrix material wear and corrosion, heat, oxidation, and other physical characteristics of a process . And other physical characteristics of a process.This new  cell phone jammer  contains the child safety lock, which cut the power when it doesn’t work.
Laser cladding for easy to wear, impact, erosion, laser cladding for easy to wear, impact, erosion, oxidation corrosion performance of the local parts require special preparation of the surface coating.The  cell phone jammer  is a class A laser module.Describes the mechanism of laser-based laser to produce a history of laser applications, laser type Page 1 of laser generation mechanism of a laser-produced laser mechanism Page 2 1 mechanism of laser-produced four basic issues: the four basic questions.The  cell phone jammer  is with interference free wireless frequency band
What is Laser? 2. Laser What's the difference with ordinary light? 3 Why are there these differences? 4 how to generate the laser? Page 3 1. What is a Laser? Laser Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation", "laser" in 1964, naming the mainland; laser "," laser "Hong Kong, Taiwan, laser," Laser in the 20th century following the Atomic Energy computer, semiconductor atomic energy, computer semiconductors, the human computer laser Atomic Energy, another major invention of the semiconductor.The V-309  cell phone jammer  is exclusively designed for computers and multimedia PPT demonstration. Page 4 2. What's the difference of laser light with the ordinary? What's the difference with ordinary laser light? Laser (1) Laser color is good; (1) Laser color is good; a good monochrome laser monochrome best krypton lamp Kr86? Λ = 4.7 × 10-3 nm frequency stabilized He-Ne laser? λ = 1.0 × 10-9 nm ordinary light Page 5 2. What's the difference of laser light with the ordinary? What's the difference with ordinary laser light? (2) the direction of the laser is good; (2) the direction of the laser is good; laser laser beam laser shines a good direction to 38 million km of the moon, the spot diameter is only ~ 2km ordinary light flashlight shines light ~ m office, expanded into a great spot.The outer shell of  cell phone jammer  applies high-level PVC material but not metal. Page 6 2.

Friday, August 3, 2012

cell phone jammer has been produced according to the real needs

cell phone jammer  has been produced according to the real needs and actual requirements.
However, with the flat trend of the mobile phone market development and channel, the Samsung mobile phones in the fierce market competition is gradually emerging channels are difficult to overcome the disadvantaged. Threat of competitive brands, low channel cost price: this sales channel is too long, the middle of profits consume a lot of the high cost channels. The retailer's lack of enthusiasm, the driving force of the channel is weakened, it is more important is the reaction speed is not fast enough, not flexible enough, the market feedback is slow. Nokia and other brands, has taken the lead to solve this problem, the channel cost advantage. Country on behalf of their own operational drawbacks of the threat: a large network of agents in the hollow, especially the coverage of 34 cities, and management.
Samsung should now adopt a wide range of channel policies, Gome (the acquisition of Yongle), Suning, Dazhong five-star chain of home appliance business, and Di ICT, Society enjoy the large mobile phone chain stores, direct supply, skip the original National Assembly. The pattern is as follows: the direct supply of advantages: to reduce the channel level, reduce distribution costs. The original Samsung dealer mode, to the ex-factory price from the retail price of about 25% of the channel profit margins, due to the different division of labor and channel the right to not part of the space is basically a shared equally by the agent and the chain. Direct supply mode is canceled, the intermediate links, chains, direct supply, distribution costs can be reduced by about 40%. cell phone jammer  has been produced according to the real needs and actual requirements.
The new channel strategy is more effective. Further possible sales channels of distribution performance, service capabilities, maintenance costs and influence under the premise of the target market segments, through a comprehensive analysis of clear advantages and disadvantages of each channel, thus ensuring the distribution channels corresponds to a match and the characteristics of market segments, to achieve effective coverage of the regional market. To maximize the overall efficiency of the new channel. Fully considered the smooth business flow, information flow, logistics, capital flow and operational management processes and maintenance costs. New strategy to take the intensive marketing, stressed that the channel construction principle of multi-channel links.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The pulse frequency should speed up the process

 With the advent of fully digital AC servo system, AC servo motor is also increasingly used in digital control systems.
Order to adapt to the trend of development of digital control, motion control systems, most of the stepper motor, or all-digital AC servo motor as the implementation of the motor. Although both are similar in the control mode (pulse string and direction signal), but there are large differences in performance and applications. Now on both the use of performance for comparison. A control accuracy of different 45The two-phase hybrid stepping motor step angle is generally 3.6 °, 1.8 °, the five-phase hybrid stepper motor step angle of 0.72 °, 0.36 °.   the increase of the phase current decreases, resulting in decreased torque. 4. Normal operation of the stepper motor low speed, but higher than a certain speed can not be started, accompanied by howling. The stepper motor has a technical parameter: load starting frequency, stepper motor with no load to start the normal pulse frequency, pulse frequency is higher than this value, the motor does not start, you may lose steps or stall. Load case, the starting frequency should be lower. If you want the motor to achieve high-speed rotation, the pulse frequency should speed up the process,
 so completely normal appearance of stepper motor temperature is 80-90 degrees Celsius. Why torque stepper motor with the speed increases down? When the stepper motor rotates, the inductance of the motor windings of each phase will form a reverse electromotive force; the higher the frequency the greater the back EMF. In its role, the motor with the frequency (or speed),  Therefore, a receiver of a portable  cell phone jammer  can not be subjected to the control of different transmitters. the increase of the phase current decreases, resulting in decreased torque. 428 stepper motor at low speeds normal operation, but higher than a certain speed will not be able to start, accompanied by howling?
If the motor speed is higher or faster response to the request, then the voltage values are high, but note that the ripple voltage can not exceed the maximum input voltage of the drive, otherwise it may damage the drive. B. current power supply current is generally determined according to the drive output current I Linear power supply current is generally preferable to I 1.1 to 1.3 times; if the switching power supply, supply current is generally preferable to I 1.5 to 2.0 times. 13 hybrid stepper motor drive signals off-line.
There are some high-performance stepper motor step angle is smaller. EDM machine tools such as Stone produced a stepper motor, its step angle of 0.09 °; Germany one hundred Glasgow (BERGER LAHR) production of three-phase hybrid stepping motor of its step angle by The DIP switch is set to 1.8 °, 0.9 °, 0.72 °, 0.36 °, 0.18 °, 0.09 °, 0.072 °, 0.036 °, compatible with a two-phase and five-phase hybrid stepper motor step angle.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The English operation page is also available for cell phone jammer

Channel operators since operators heavily involved in mobile phone sales to China Mobile's GSM mobile phone sales have occupied nearly 20% share, while 90% of the CDMA mobile phone out by the Unicom operator channel sales or service bundling. With the development of 3G technology, the start of 3G mobile phone market abroad, and the rapid development of the mobile communications industry to bring a better vision of the 3G market, to promote domestic competition on the market at the time of going to launch 3G had smoke, early opened the battle of the sales channels. Domestic 3G market has not been officially launched, but the competition for 3G mobile phone sales channels has been so much noise smoke.  cell phone jammer  in the cabinet appearance is good in quality.
This conflict will disappear in the supply model is more conducive to the Samsung and gathering strength to play a competitive advantage in the store. Promote direct cooperation with the large-scale retail terminals, to strengthen the control of the retail terminal. Direct supply mode, the Samsung can direct dialogue with the store, a considerable strength, in favor of equality and mutual benefit cooperation. Skip agents direct supply model, can the Samsung and the retail chain no longer have six, seven countries on behalf of the complexity of communication, direct cooperation to solve the problem. In addition, due to savings in distribution costs, Samsung has more space to meet the chain requirements for rental and promotional support, thereby strengthening the control of the terminal. Reduce the capacity requirements for agents to reduce the reliance on agents. The English operation page is also available for  cell phone jammer .
The new channel strategy is more effective. Further possible sales channels of distribution performance, service capabilities, maintenance costs and influence under the premise of the target market segments, through a comprehensive analysis of clear advantages and disadvantages of each channel, thus ensuring the distribution channels corresponds to a match and the characteristics of market segments, to achieve effective coverage of the regional market. To maximize the overall efficiency of the new channel. Fully considered the smooth business flow, information flow, logistics, capital flow and operational management processes and maintenance costs. New strategy to take the intensive marketing, stressed that the channel construction principle of multi-channel links. No working personnel are needed to manually control the switching on of  cell phone jammer .
Although the domestic mobile phone manufacturers to attack the overseas market will face challenges from all aspects of technology, brand and management, but be sure to attack the overseas market is the general trend. With the development of technology and the continuous improvement of people's living standard, the luxury mobile phone products from the subject source and significance of products transformed into the depth of the broad masses of mass consumer goods. Today, mobile phone has become one of the people's essential electronic products, highlighting the characteristics of the fast moving consumer goods, is changing the way people live. At present, the domestic mobile phone market is fiercely competitive, and go all the major mobile phone brands in the competition, and strive to survive and develop. In the battle of the mobile phone market, competition in the mobile terminal has become a priority. These new functions of the smart  cell phone jammer system is intelligent.