Friday, August 31, 2012

This is the developer or developer team of Cell Phone Jammers

This is the developer or developer team of  Cell Phone Jammers .
Speaker sound chamber must be closed directly with the speaker and the shell between the speaker and the shell must be affixed to the annular foam closed, speaker side shell long ring circumference bone surrounded by unilateral clearance stay 0.1mm. If the speaker and the shell separated antenna bracket, between the speaker and the antenna bracket must be affixed to the ring foam closure, between the antenna bracket shell must also be affixed to the annular foam closed. In short, the sound of the speakers through the sound hole on the shell to spread out the front speakers sound chamber height should be greater than 1.5mm. speakers sound cavity height is the vertical distance refers to the front of the speaker to the housing wall, in order to ensure adequate speakers sound chamber height, and can even make the inside of the shell the sound chamber thick plastic to dig thin 0.6mm. It is the research and development ability of  Cell Phone Jammers .
The sound hole area must reach 15% of the speakers the sound, the sound hole area is the total area of the sound hole. Speaker the sound area is to remove the foam in the middle part of the area of the speaker positive, the height of the sound chamber of the speaker The higher the requirements the greater the proportion of the sound hole area accounted for speaker sound area, when the horn sound chamber height of more than 20, the sound hole area and speaker sound area that is 100% with most phones in terms of speaker sound chamber in the 1.5 ~ 4mm, and the sound hole area accounted for speaker sound area of 15% to 20%, better sound effects. out the structure of the sound hole is the most simple approach is to directly on the shell openings hole array, it can be a head of strip hole. Generally, good process generates the good product of  Cell Phone Jammers .
In order to prevent dust and foreign matter into the sound chamber, can be affixed inside the enclosure dust network, for the beautiful, the sound hole on the outside can be affixed to the nickel plate, PC tablets, and other decorative pieces, small mesh diameter of the nickel plate 0.3mm, nickel plate, inside the enclosure can not affixed to the dust network. speaker after tune the low frequency part of the main impact of ringtones, high frequency part is smaller, you can not do the requirements. In order to get good bass, no component interference on the motherboard, you can use the antenna bracket and motherboard with affixed foam speaker Tune closed after the formation of the sound chamber in order to get more awesome bass vibration effects, speakers, family speaker. The second way is the technology review of  Cell Phone Jammers .
According to the size of the sound vibration horn can produce different strength of the shock, vibration directly transmitted through the shell of the user's hands.

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