Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The company selects a local supplier of Cell Phone Jammers finally

The company selects a local supplier of Cell Phone Jammers finally.
End-user perceived service performance data will determine the merits of the device. Thus, in the 3G era, the focus is shifting test. Although the assessment of the minimum performance mobile and protocol conformance testing is always important, but more and more focus on the verification test will end support on applications and other advanced features. Run-time performance of some applications often directly affect the end user experience, so in order to achieve the success of new services and applications deployed before the deployment test tools to help manufacturers and operators to end applications in the laboratory to determine the existence of problem, the test environment must be in the mobile phone sales to end-users before it, including integration, design verification, interoperability and application service testing, including a comprehensive assessment. The local supplier of Cell Phone Jammers provides lots of Cell Phone Jammers of high quality.
Currently, the network can also be used to simulate the terminal conformance testing. Live network testing is mainly based on the current network of services to achieve the corresponding test in the existing network equipment, network configuration, and network support business functions in the conduct of the test; while the analog network is concerned, the current network does not support some of the performance test is to protect the future network equipment to upgrade or add new services or network structure evolution was able to ensure the terminal to work properly. It is more convenient for the company to choose the local supplier of Cell Phone Jammers .
Test for smart phones, set up a test environment often also requires a lot of peripheral equipment and funds. In the process of building a test environment, the need to consider specific testing process, early unit testing, integration testing, demand is relatively independent of knowledge of testing tools and test engineers require higher skills, such as test scripting, maintenance, and automated testing building. The latter part of system testing, acceptance testing process, the application of numerous and complicated business, the vast majority of cases, can make use of existing network services environment. However, taking into account the needs of different types of tests, test engineers still need to prepare a one-time investment in equipment, perform tests to ensure the effectiveness and adequacy. Module and the corresponding input of the test environment at least as shown in Table 5.1. The quotation price of Cell Phone Jammers of the local supplier is lower than that of others.Specific functions and typical business processes as follows: point to point business processes: this site MO and MT between the sending and receiving processes; different places and Ben Wang MO MT network flow between the transceiver; Benwang MO MT network between the transceiver and the remote process; point of SP business processes: this site end-user access to remote SP; remote end-user SP visits Ben Wang; notification alarm business processes: sub-terminal message storage space is available and whether the terminal and the two cases. SMS storage capacity is full or out of service on or off the user can not send and receive text messages process.

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