Friday, August 24, 2012

The warehouse of Cell Phone Jammers has been put into service

The dispatcher has arranged the working table of manufacturing Cell Phone Jammers .
As the user capacity, a larger number of base stations, generally does not exist a wide range of signal blind area, the repeater is used to solve a small area of fill signal blind and building coverage. Fiber to the building is not yet universal in the case, requires the use of wireless repeaters. As the building increases, the number of repeaters required will also increase, there will be a base station to configure multiple repeater situation. However, the introduction of the repeater station is bound to interfere, the interference will increase with the increasing number of repeaters, especially the introduction of high-power repeater, system interference will significantly increase. Thus, in dense urban areas should be using low-power (1W or less) repeater. The dispatcher added 2 more workers to the night shift of Cell Phone Jammers .
User Part (UP): responsible for producing and receiving signaling information of different business users, some users can be divided into phone users (TUP), circuit switched data users (DUP), N-ISDN user (ISUP) and mobile phone users (MTUP ) and so on. No. Signaling System 7 4 hierarchy system with 7-layer OSI model, the corresponding relationship shown in Figure 3. The right half of the figure in 1980's No. 4 Structure Signaling System 7, its main function is to control the call connection establishment and release, it supports only the information related with the call connection; left part of the new structure introduced in 1988, nothing can be sent with the call connection information, to adapt to the development of communication networks. Level 1: MTP level 1 for the signaling data link level, the first layer of the OSI model physical layer. Signaling data link is 64 kbit / s bi-directional channel, the digital option to group-level semi-fixed terminal connected to the signal.
 Moreover, the support of the majority of smart phone operating systems are using Intel embedded processors, a relatively high frequency, in addition, the use of the smart phone operating system, other hardware configurations (such as memory, memory card capacity, etc.) are more used other operating system for smart phones to be much higher, so the relatively strong performance, it speeds up the operation. However, this series of cell phones also have some disadvantages, such as the high because of the configuration, multi-function resulting from power consumption, battery life is short, high-cost hardware shortcomings. Family of operating systems including Windows Mobile SmartPhone and Pocket PC Phone both platforms. Pocket PC phone is mainly used for PDA-type smart phone, SmartPhone is mainly single-handed smartphone operating system.  The new building of the warehouse of Cell Phone Jammers has been put into service.
PALM is 3Com's Palm Computing Division developed a 32-bit embedded operating system, originally a manufacturer of Pocket PC and Pocket PC operating system-based company, PALM PALM smartphone operating system used and used with the PALM PDA The operating system is very similar, therefore, based on the operating system for cell phones has more third-party software, has previously used the PALM handheld computer users to very quickly grasp the kind of smart phones. As the PALM has followed Less is More (less is more) this concept to design, so, with the launch of Microsoft's operating system to occupy a large amount of system resources and storage capacity is different is that it is itself a very small share of memory, based on PALM written application operating system share a small space, usually only a few dozen KB, so the operating system based on Pocket PC PALM Although only a few megabytes of memory but you can run many applications.

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