Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The testing center of Cell Phone Jammers has the advanced instrument

The testing center of Cell Phone Jammers has the advanced instrument
The large investment in development of Cell Phone Jammers will improve the technology of Cell Phone Jammers greatly. China's first ruby laser in the CAS Changchun Institute of Optics was born in 1961, when only six months later than the United States, since, in the application of lasers and laser technology has made many achievements. Since the "Plan" program has been by the National Science and Technology (formerly the State Planning Commission) as a national key scientific research programs (65, seventy-five, T, 1995 are included in the special research programs), laser processing technology and application is one of the key and made a number of levels of research and practical application, the relevant state ministries and commissions also received attention. In the mid-1990s by the State Planning Commission set up a laser processing engineering center, the specific task is to research results into products in the pilot; solid formed by the National Science and Technology Research Center of Laser Engineering, which focuses on promoting the processing of solid-state laser applications.
There was axial flow carbon dioxide laser assembly 1.5KW capacity of about 20 joint-venture factory one, this laser is mainly used for laser cutting. These two lasers to the end of 1999 about production, sales of nearly 600. In addition, the laser is mainly used in the electronics industry YAG laser processing (including continuous, quasi-continuous, pulsed lasers), to the end of 1999, total production and sales of 800-1000 units, of which the 50W, 100W, 200W-based; YAG laser has been formed production capacity of factories and research all eight. Above illustrates the country's domestic enterprises to absorb and use of various types of lasers around 1500. In addition, medium and low-power excimer laser product prototype has been successfully developed, 400W excimer laser has been through the identification, research institutes are using thin films prepared by excimer lasers, lithography, cleaning and other work. Research and development of the industrial units in the RF-excited axial flow carbon dioxide laser, the cooling slab diffusion of carbon dioxide laser, high-power YAG laser, diode-pumped YAG lasers have made encouraging progress.  Huainan a factory using the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei-ray machine used in Huazhong University of 5KW laser carbon dioxide lasers ultrafine nano-silica production line. Crystal oscillator of the electronics industry, integrated circuit chip companies in China Daheng YAG laser marking machine in the production line marking. Xi'an engine parts plant using Huazhong University of Science and completed the relevant units of the laser processing engine, gasoline engine cylinder production line. Xianyang picture tube factory production lines have been used Huazhong University of Science, Wuhan Chu Tianguang Power Group YAG laser produced electron beam welding production equipment; some cell phone battery manufacturing plant also uses a laser company in Wuhan Chutian, electronic eleven of the YAG laser production equipment. The technical report of Cell Phone Jammers should be delivered together with the products.

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