Sunday, May 13, 2012

The cell phone jammer would interfere the communication of cell phoneswith the outside world

This table lists the a lot of terminology; a lot of terminology; readers might think that the link budget analysis is a complex process, but the opposite is true, and now refer to Figure 1.23 to a strong analytical process, but the opposite is true, and now refer to Figure 1.23 to highlight the conclusions of the figure in Table 1.2 will be reduced to a few key items transferred to this conclusion. The figure in Table 1.2 is reduced to a few key parameters of the project. parameters link analysis is intended to determine whether the required error performance; This is the actual system for the detection of E and E poor performance; The cell phone jammer would interfere the communication of cell phones with the outside world.This is the real test of Eb/N0 required Eb/N0 compared with the system and be judged. more and get the line judge. for which The main target is to determine the kinds of EIRP (effective transmission of power is how much), quality factor G EIRP (effective transmission of power is how much),

The phone can be placed at the same TD-SCDMA and GSM mobile phone cards, TD and GSM use two numbers at the same line, while in standby mode, so users can easily have two numbers; can accept two calls, the user selects is answered, every phone users will not be lost for some reason mobile phone jammer; can use any of a number dial and receive calls and send and receive text messages. Different quantities of cell phone jammer can be placed in different directions around the dangerous area of different size.
temperature, and system noise temperature noise figure, noise temperature and noise temperature of line losses and line losses 0 indicates that the receiver or network) of the effective noise temperature, receiver (with TR indicates that the receiver (or network) of the effective noise temperature, the T00 noise source is the reference temperature, usually considered to be 290K. which is the source of the noise reference temperature, usually considered to be 290K.The current cell phone jammer all continuously emit high-power RF interfere signals when work. noise power spectral density and the effective noise temperature is the equivalent noise source described method and the effective noise power spectral density noise temperature is the equivalent noise source described method. lossy line or network power loss is defined as L = input power output power of this network gain G is equal to 1 / L are harmful to the line <1) which is equal to the network gain G 1 / L (for lossy lines <1). 2007-08 Southeast University, State Key Laboratory of Mobile Communications 55 modern mobile communication technology 1.5 noise figure,

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