Sunday, May 6, 2012

The directional antenna can make cell phone jammer adapt to the siteenvironment

With the promotion of SMS, this ancient medium of correspondence become the new mobile media content; In addition, mobile communication and ease of access to information, the following newspapers, radio, television, the Internet's fifth largest media. The mobile newspaper is the integration of the newspaper and network in one of the efforts. Along with the 3G era, 3G mobile phone will also be data, real-time transmission of images, television and film will eventually phone transformed. Therefore, the mobile phone that is able to demonstrate that media convergence trend characteristics of the media. The current environment for the development of the mobile newspaper. As a new means of communication, mobile news, from the date of birth has aroused people's attention. The suitable antenna of  cell phone jammer  can help achieve the best shielding effect.
With the rapid development of mobile communication technology, the 3G era, mobile newspaper, and other phone-related wireless value-added services is the big news of the media and the operators. According to the "mobile media research report released in February 2009 by the China Internet Network Information Center, Chinese mobile phone users has more than 640 million mobile newspaper subscription penetration reached 39.6%. The major newspaper groups, the newspaper in order to seize the emerging mobile phone market, have to launch its own mobile news as of the end of 2008, the National newspaper has launched a cell phone at about 1500 kinds, including news, entertainment, sports, finance, health, diet and other aspects . At the same time, due to the spread of the 2008 financial crisis, the newspaper industry cost pressures at home and abroad gradually increase.  cell phone jammer and its optional directional antenna.
This newspaper had to consider reducing the costs to cope with the current situation. Faced with this situation, the digital press, especially the mobile newspapers ushered in a new round of development opportunities, who can come out on top in this market, who will be able to have more voice and mastership. The advantages and disadvantages of the mobile newspaper. Each newspaper has the core characteristics as the basis and foundation of its operations and distribution, the cell phone as a rapid rise of new media in the development process embodies the following characteristics: mobile phones reported as an emerging media, enriching the traditional reporting methods. and grow into a new form of news reports and opinion positions. 2005 5 "South News" laid down in the Southern News Network Chen Guchuan article.  cell phone jammer  and the antenna are independently researched and developed by the manufacturer.
"As most of the time users will carry the communication terminal, the mobile phone is undoubtedly the news media of today and tomorrow is a carrier can not be ignored." Mobile newspaper can be roughly divided into two types: a MMS mobile news, telecom operators provided by the newspaper press MMS sent to mobile terminals; the other is the type of WAP sites, mobile phone newspaper subscribers by access mobile newspaper sites, online information. At present, the domestic mobile phone newspaper is mostly used MMS mode, and extension via MMS to WAP. 2009, "two sessions" in the war of all kinds of media, as the fifth media mobile newspaper also successfully participate in the news reports of the "two sessions". The company has the great researching and developing ability to design and manufacture   phone jammer   .

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