Sunday, May 13, 2012

Schematic Figure of Omnidirectional Antenna of cell phone jammer

Schematic Figure of Omnidirectional Antenna of cell phone jammer
ASP is Microsoft's development of a server-side scripting language. Use of ASP technology, you can simply and easily with other programs to interact with databases and applications, to combine HTML tags, text content, script language VBScript or JavaScript, and ActiveX components to create dynamic, interactive Web pages, to generate functional powerful Web applications. ASP uses Microsoft's ActiveX component technology, provides a number of common components, many computer companies have developed a number of its components used in [4]. The lightning rod has to be used for mobile phone jammer.
As long as the services required from an ActiveX component to install, you can use these components to create Web applications, by accessing the components to perform complex tasks, such as connecting to the database or for business computing. ASP returns a standard HTML page, the data can be well displayed in the client browser, when viewing ASP dynamic pages, the server performs all of the script commands, and then generate the HTML code returned to the client's browser, so so that the ASP source code has been effectively protected. When users request the ASP page is a browser, ASP script starts running, then run the ASP Web server reads the request file on all the script commands, and then generate the HTML page and returns to the client browser [4]. Measures of water proofness also should be taken for cell phone jammer.
The full name of the IIS Internet Information Server (that is, Internet Information Services), is produced in the U.S. Microsoft World Wide Web Server (WWW server), also called an HTTP server. The user has to accept applications for re-issue of the web browser to provide users with the role of pages of information [3]. IIS includes a Web server, FTP server, NNTP server and SMTP server, respectively, for web browsing, file transfer, mail and news services, etc., use the IIS can easily publish information on the Internet or local area network, build a strong, flexible and secure Internet and Intranet sites. This site system uses a Microsoft Access 2003. Access2003, Microsoft released relational database management system, is a member of the Microsoft Office2003 [6]. The outdoor installation of cell phone jammer has some higher requirements.
Access2003 very powerful, small and medium enterprise applications by many of its back-end database, and it can completely meet the site development data processing requirements. Page design and function of the system is divided into front part design and background design, front design is to introduce the user to use the function module, the background is the web site design Web site administrators to manage system features modular design [2]. System front is divided into seven sections, each section contains different functions, are detailed below: Online mobile shopping mall shopping system is mainly for users to browse and purchase information, and purchase of cell phone   functions can be divided into the following sections : main page:

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