Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Most customers would like to choose cell phone jammer of the highsensitivity

Normally, most customers would like to choose cell phone jammer  of the high sensitivity.
Through the above description actually tells us this is a phenomenon that is our mobile phone with the development of smart phones in terms of functionality will become more independent, dependent relationship between mobile phone and PC will gradually fade. more phones will be a separate device exists, and out of the relationship between the final with a traditional PC, which smartphone features fusion after a future. Price trends - 1500-3000 to become in focus. With the popularity of the promotion of triple play and 3G networks, smart phones within the next few years will usher in a period of rapid growth of market sales, but the relatively high price remains a constraint for the popularity of the bottleneck. Because cell phone jammer  high in the sensitivity level can be activate rapidly.
The ZDC survey data show that the smart phone products in September this year, more than 2000 yuan accumulated 50.3% of the overall smart phone market concern proportion of the overall mobile phone market, concerned about the proportion of total mobile phone market of more than 2000 yuan to 39.1%. Visible smartphone price level than the overall market is still high. ZDC is expected to enter the market penetration of smart phone market in the next two years, end-product prices will fall further, which depends on the hardware technology continues to mature and vigorous promotion of the channel. As the nation's largest chain of mobile phone sales channels, Gome smart phone category up to 300 kinds, is expected in 2011 will reach 500 kinds of product line has been greatly enriched.  cell phone jammer   is high in sensitivity.
From the price segment of view, the United States from 1500 yuan to 5000 yuan price of smart phones. The smart phone during the festival, the United States to further increase the popularity of smart phones of 1500 yuan -3000 yuan price Jicai the intensity, this means that the smart phone prices will continue to "civilian", it will usher in a market penetration of Next year, the United States, in order to ensure the optimization of the product mix, each priced goods strictly define the ratio of expected 1500-2000 yuan smartphone procurement ratio of 30% between 2000 and -3000 procurement ratio of 45%, 3000 - 4000 procurement ratio of 15 percent more than 4000 yuan, accounting for 10%. Store trends - professional custom experience smart mobile phone stores.  cell phone jammer   will deactivate on the shielding of the cell phone signals very rapidly.
2011 products, including new exclusive brand of original mobile phones of Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, LG and other traditional brands, ACER, Dell, HTC, Sharp, with superior forces in the field of intelligent machines has a comprehensive listing . With the full launch of the 3G operators business, in the three major operators, customized products, Gome will be the focus of retail stores, consumers can freely choose in Gome operator products, mobile products, and to achieve a joint package deals , and operators at the same time fully integrated products and resources of the upstream suppliers and downstream consumer demand, joint custom Apart from the cost-effective products more high package subsidized smart phones, so consumers have more a more favorable choice. After  cell phone jammers   is turned on or off.

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